Latest news from Ganesamoni


Multi disciplinary treatment makes it possible for a woman battling PCOS to concieve and deliver a healthy baby !

A 28 year old lady who was having PCOS and irregular menstruation for over 6 years, suffered from inability to concieve a child for 3 years. Her previous hormonal treatments had been unsuccesful. After rigorous counselling, she was motivated to make serious lifestyle modification. With regular exercises as advised, and a proper balanced nutrition, her cycles became regular and she lost her weight in a healthy way .  With medications to stimulate ovulation, and assisted conception by IUI, she finally became pregnant in March 2019. She had a closely monitored antenatal peroid and she delivered a healthy baby earlier in December 2019. She is now a changed person and she is motivating other women to beat PCOS and Infertility due to PCOS.

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